Sunday, 2 June 2019


I've been in a finishing things mood recently, it's so satisfying. I noticed a couple of the people I follow on Instagram had been finishing long-term WIPs and it set me off. I'm not at all as relaxed as the two I mentioned (both are fairly chilled out about their cast-ons), so in reality I only had maybe 6 or 7 projects on the go, still, that's a lot! It's especially a lot when I have only one 3.75mm circular needle (and always need it).

I have a diary on the go, I write diary-type entries and track what I'm currently knitting and what I'm desperate to cast on. It's been really interesting, I finish a lot more than I give myself credit for, also the desire for some garments really is a flash in the pan sort of thing. I'm currently at 5 WIPs, the gorgeous Eunice cardigan by Mary Henderson, Sage dress by Marie Wallin, a Christmas dress, my Granny's paperweight blanket and a re-knit of the top of my Betty Mouat dress which I had stopped wearing due to a poor fit (bust shrinkage post-breastfeeding).

The Betty re-knit is going well, sleeves to do and I'm knitting little ones so that won't take too long. The other two dresses can wait till Eunice is done and I may cast on a Summer cardi (I bought the yarn for it already...).

Here is this week's finished object, a dressing gown knit to Hedgehog Fibres' Feather Weather pattern with a couple of modifications (different decreases/increases, crocheted edging, slightly different yarn weight). Blogger doesn't want to let me upload any other photos, perhaps Google overheard me talking about them the other day.

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The 30 day knitting challenge in one post because I am lazy

Questions and idea from the hero complex via Helenknitsuk 's blog (a Ravelry contact who knits amazing blankets). What was your firs...