Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Colourwork Blanket

Last year I had a long night in hospital after a painful minor operation. It was fairly grim and I spent a lot of my night lying awake staring at the celing tiles and thinking about Marie Wallin's Fair Isle Club. With Marie's club you get a pattern a month to knit a square of a stunning blanket, it runs over 12 months and I was lying there trying to think of ways to justify the price of the patterns to myself (around £120 I think, this year's is cheaper but still out of my price range). I kept returning to the conclusion that although it looked as though it would be fantastic to make, I couldn't do it. I ended up buying her other gorgeous pattern, Sage Throw, which I will make at some point (Sage Throw isn't on Ravelry).

Anyway! I'm a massive Kate Davies fan and had the happy thought (while I stared at those celing tiles), that I could make a Kate Davies colourwork blanket! Yes! I was very excited, it really helped as I tried to get myself to go off to sleep, I played a game trying to remember how many colourwork designs Kate had on her pattern page on Ravelry.

As always, I had a backlog of WIPs and I made myself clear as many as possible before I finally cast on the blanket. Had a fun few months of working on it and then took a break at 6 and a half squares. I decided to try and finish it during this year's run of the Great British Bake Off. I like a challenge, just to help keep me focussed when I become distracted by other new projects! I managed to stick to it and got it finished a few days after the final episode was shown.

It's really difficult to get a photo of the entire blanket in one piece - I'll try changing to the wide lens on my camera and will add more photos tomorrow.

The response to this blanket from Ravellers has been absolutely amazing, everyone has been so lovely!

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