Moder dy, one month on! I had secretly hoped to finish it on the 15th of July, you know, because I had started it on the 15th of June.. Daft, yes, do-able, probably (if the boys hadn't had chicken pox!).
I have REALLY enjoyed knitting this. It's been a great pattern for the single skeins of variegated sock yarn I have rapidly accumulated over the last year. I used Life in the Long Grass sock yarns, I love their earthy colours and the flecks of brighter floral colours in the yarns. People on Instagram and Ravelry have commented that the blanket has seashell tones, I can really see this. It's been a very happy project, not to mention the fact that this yarn has made me want to paint again!!! Yes, three exclamation marks were needed there, it's been MONTHS, I never thought I would want to paint ever again. So, for severe creative block, I prescribe rest and yarn. And sunshine. England has been FOUL over the last few weeks, bad weather (even by our standards), amongst other things. The Leave vote and weird racism was bad enough, but the weather has been the icing on the cake. Knitting and tea have been a great help though.